What is the meaning of “there is no taqleed in aqidah”.
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There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars in making taqleed (blindly following without knowing proof) in basic Islamic beliefs:
According to the majority of Hanafi scholars, Imam Shafi, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad, and others, if he believes (with conviction) in the fundamental aspects of faith, without knowing its proofs, he would still be considered a believer. However, knowing the proofs is a prerequisite of attaining complete faith. According to Imam Al-Ashari, the majority of his followers, and others, it is necessary to know the evidence regarding fundamental aspects of faith. If a person fails to learn these evidences, he would still be considered a Muslim, however, he would be sinful for insisting on remaining ignorant. As for the third group, namely the latter day Asharis, they say knowing the proofs of the fundamental aspects of faith is obligatory, and the one who is ignorant of them would not be considered a believer. References: Al Qalaid fi tahreer al faraid feema baynal Ashaaira wal Maturidia minal ikhtilaf wal fawaid Al Rawdatul Bahiya feema baynal Ashaaira wal Maturidia
Masaail ul Ikhtilaf baynal Ashaaira wal Maturidia
And Allah ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ knows best
Written by Shaykh Mohammad Ahsan Osmani